Volga Legal Run 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod

Distance: 2 km, 6 km

On May 25, 2019, the main sporting event of the legal community of Nizhny Novgorod - Volga Legal Run - took place in the Avtozavodsky park. The Avtozavodsky Park, one of the oldest parks in the city, a unique object built in the era of Stalinist architecture of the 30s-50s of the 20th century, traditionally became the venue for the Nizhny Novgorod race. The race track passed along the asphalt paths and birch avenues of the park.  

Official results of the Run

6 km distance


  • 1-st Place: Sviridov Alexey (00:20:05)
  • 2-d Place: Rumyantsev Denis (00:21:02)
  • 3-d Place: Makeev Nikolay (00:21:02)


  • 1-st Place: Dodonova Anna (00:25:32)
  • 2-d Place: Ulyanova Kristina (00:27:10)
  • 2-d Place: Kozyreva Alexandra (00:27:15)

6 km distance


  • 1-st Place: Postvaykin Kirill (00:06:10)
  • 2-d Place: Tryanina Victor (00:08:35)
  • 2-d Place: Markelov Mikhail (00:08:38)


  • 1-st Place: Bayusheva Daria (00:07:40)
  • 2-d Place: Dodonova Anna (00:08:04)
  • 2-d Place: Novotorova Marina (00:08:27)

The results of all participants are available at the link:

Official results of the race for 2 km and 6 km

We thank for the assistance

The Organising Committee of the International Charitable Run of Lawyers Volga Legal Run 2019 expresses its deep and sincere gratitude to everyone involved in the project

For the support:

Avtozavodsky Park for providing the site and organizational support during the event

Legal partners:

Grazhdanskiye kompensatsii, Nasonov, Pirogov & Partners, Voinov, Maslov and Partners, Timofeev / Cherepnov / Kalashnikov, Yakovlev and Partners, YURSA, Lexta, Registrar Society STATUS for financial and organizational support for Volga Legal Run 2019


Expert group VETA, AQUANIKA, Beresta Family Workshop for their invaluable support in organizing the Run

Info partners:

Delovoy Kvartal Nizhny Novgorod - and personally Svetlana Luzanova, Media Portal Stolitsa Nizhniy - and personally Yevgeny Derevianko for informational support of the Run


Students of Nizhny Novgorod universities, employees of law firms and Zumba Fitness support group

We are really proud that together with you we have done everything for the Volga Legal Run 2019 to happen and bring so much good!

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