Distance : 3 km, 5 km
On 20 May 2017 the main sports event of the legal community of Kazan – Charity Kazan Legal Run 2017 took place. The route followed along the main new sight of the thousand-year-old city – the Kremlin Embankment, very close to the white stone Kazan Kremlin, the part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. The high diving and open water swimming events of the 16th FINA World Championships were held here in 2015, and today this beautiful area is favorite place of Kazan runners, cyclists and other active lifestyle's followers.
5 km distance
Men: 1-st place: Nabiev Artur (00:17:24) 2-nd place: Yunusov Anuzar (00:17:34) 3-rd place: Ayzatullov Almaz (00:18:20) |
Women: 1-st place: Volkova Regina (00:18:20) 2-nd place: Kantimirova Liliya (00:24:59) 3-rd place: Pinus Anastasiya (00:25:03) |
3 km distance
Men: 1-st place: Gizdatullin Ayaz (00:11:37) 2-nd place: Samitov Mars (00:12:42) 3-rd place: Nikitin Sergey (00:12:43) |
Women: 1-st place: Gilmutdinova Albina (00:12:37) 2-nd place: Ahmetova Regina (00:14:23) 3-rd place: Kasimova Eleonora (00:14:34) |
In addition to the winning places among women and men for the 5 km and 3 km Runs the jury determined "The Largest Corporate Team of Kazan Legal Run 2017" – the PWC team took the prize!
The Race is arranged by the professional team consisting of lawyers, representatives of the Kazan Mayor’s Office, leaders of the city runners’ community, kind volunteers and simply passionate representatives of several Russian Law firms, all those who are fond of sports and «smart charity». The race will be held in accordance with the sports minutes in compliance with all the rules and standards of conduct fo the sport events: emergency ambulances, beverage points, references, professional judicial team, etc.
The Organizing Committee of the International Charitable Run of Lawyers Kazan Legal Run 2017 expresses its deep and sincere gratitude to everyone involved in the project:
For the support:
Invaluable support and assistance in the organization and holding of the Run were provided by:
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Leonov, Youth and Sports Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan;
the Mayor's Office of Kazan and personally Ivan Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the city of Kazan;
the Chamber of Lawyers of the Republic of Tatarstan and personally Lyudmila Mitrofanovna Dmitriyevskaya, President of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Republic of Tatarstan;
the Association of Russian Lawyers and personally Ilnar Israfilovich Girfanov, Chairperson of the Tatarstan Regional Branch of the Russian National Public Organization “Association of Russian Lawyers”;
the Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University and personally Liliya Talgatovna Bakulina, Dean of the Law School of the Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University;
Kremlyovskaya Embankment which provided the opportunity to hold the charitable run in the most picturesque location of Kazan;
“Kind Kazan”, a service of good deeds for the inhabitants of Kazan from the Mayor’s Office of Kazan which gave coverage to the project.
Legal Partners:
The College of Lawyers of the Republic of Tatarstan “SERGIS”; the “StroiKapital” law firm; “PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) – Audit and Consulting Services” – for their financial and organizational support for Kazan Legal Run 2017.
the “Gran” construction company; the “Saulyk” national network of drug stores; the “Megaruss-D” insurance company – for their financial support.
The Run organization and holding support was provided by the “I Love Running” school of correct running, the “Legenda” national tourist operator, and the “Planeta Fitness” network of sports and fitness clubs,
Potable Artesian Water 7 Lakes.
Info Partners:
BIM Radio, Title Information Partner; Evening Kazan, a social and political newspaper;
KazanFirst.ru, Title Information Partner, an information and news portal;
First Key, Title Information Partner, a magazine for thinking people;
SMM and PR agency — DrugMedia.
Timur Sergeyev, Albert Latypov, Alsu Kuznetsova, Svetlana Vostrikova, Linar Garipov, Lana Filatova, Darya Zemlyanukhina, Dilyara Timerbulatova, Karina Sitdikova, Aigul Yermilova, Kristina Tyaminova, Yevgeniya Nosova, Denis Suprunov, Artyom Vasilyev, Irina Vostrikova, Ianta Cherepanova, Railya Minnekhanova, Yulduz Gilmanova, Olga Goncharova, Natasha Vinogradova, Adelina Safonova, Dalida Galimova, Eduard Sungatullin, Natasha Latypova, Artur Latypov.
The VOLUNTEERS from the Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve for Light Athletics of the city of Kazan.
We are really proud that together with you we have done everything for the Kazan Legal Run 2017 to happen and bring so much good!
You can donate using your mobile phone. Send an SMS with the amount and the keyword to the short number 6162. For example 100 RUN or 1000 RUN.
ATTENTION ! When making a donation, you must use the keyword RUN. Please enter the keyword in the correct format to help us identify your donation as quickly as possible.