Distance : 3 km, 5 km
On 27 May 2017 the main sports event of the legal community - international fundraising project Ural Legal Run 2017 - was held in Ekaterinburg. The venue of the Run has become Palace of sports (DIVS), sporting arena located in the center of Ekaterinburg. The route ran along the riverside. The embankment of the river Iset is rarely picturesque - one of the most popular places of Ekaterinburg dwellers and guests.
5 km distance
Men: 1-st place: Poskrebyshev Denis (00:17:26) 2-nd place: Bochkarev Denis (00:18:35) 3-rd place: Bulatov Aleksandr (00:18:54) |
Women: 1-st place: Bobina Yulia (00:21:55) 2-nd place: Zykova Viktoria (00:24:31) 3-rd place: Fomina Ksenia (00:24:38) |
3 km distance
Men: 1-st place: Dmitriev Alexey (00:09:58) 2-nd place: Sasko Anton (00:10:23) 3-rd place: Lubenets Nikita (00:10:27) |
Women: 1-st place: Sulzhenko Elizaveta (0:13:01) 2-nd place: Tnogmova Eleonora (0:14:11) 3-rd place: Zhydkova Ekaterina (0:14:17) |
In Ekaterinburg the results were recorded by "Alt" company. The results of all the participants are available in the score-sheets at the following link, as well as in pdf file below.
In addition to the winning places among women and men for the 5 km and 3 km Runs the jury determined "The Most Athletic Corporate Team” of Ural Legal Run 2017 – "Apriori" company took the prize!
The race is arranged by the professional team consisting of lawyers, marathon runners, marketing experts, volunteers and simply passionate representatives of several Russian law firms who are fond of sports and «smart charity». The race will be held in accordance with the sports minutes in compliance with all the rules and standards of conduct for the sport events: emergency ambulances, beverage points, references, professional judicial team etc.
The Organizing Committee of the International Charitable Run of Lawyers Ural Legal Run 2017 expresses its deep and sincere gratitude to everyone involved in the project:
For the support:
The Administration of Yekaterinburg and the Department for Development of Physical Culture, Sport, and Tourism of Yekaterinburg for their project support and assistance in the organization of the event and personally Yevgeniy Roizman, Head of Yekaterinburg, Stepan Chigantsev, Head Assistant, Lyudmila Fitina, Head of the Department for Development of Physical Culture, Sport, and Tourism, and Aleksander Antonov, Category 1 Specialist for Physical Culture, Sport, and Tourism.
The Arbitration Court of Sverdlovsk Region for the assistance in the dissemination of the run information in the court building and personally to Svetlana Tsvetkova, Chairperson of the Court, and Konstantin Belyayev, Deputy Chairperson of the Court.
The “Children of Russia” Charitable Foundation for their active promotion oft he Ural Legal Run in the mass media and technical support provided for the online registration of the participants and personally Tatyana Dudarenko, Head of the “He Needs You” Project, Yuliya Nutenko, Director of the “Children of Russia” Charitable Foundation, Marina Panfilova, Deputy Dirctor, and Dmitriy Skobeltsyn, Specialist.
The State Autonomous Institution of Sverdlovsk Region “Playing Sports Palace” for the possibility of holding the run on the site and personally Gennadiy Sevastyanov, General Director, and Vyacheslav Abdullin, Deputy General Director for Preparation and Holding of Events.
The Ural State Law University (USLU) and the Association of Russian Lawyers for their contribution to the development of the Ural Legal Run project in Yekaterinburg and the engagement of volunteers and personally Vladimir Bublik, President and Chairperson of the Board of the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of the Association of Russian Lawyers, Maksim Goncharov, Director of the USLU Justice Institute, and Lyudmila Berg, Head of the Scientific Research and International Cooperation Department.
Title Partner:
The “Glasses for You” network of optical stores for their charitable project confidence and financial support for the run and personally Mikhail Feigin, General Director.
Legal Partners:
The “Apriori” group of companies; the “Belyaniskiy and Partners” law firm; “Block Post”, an inter-regional public organization for Consumer Rights Protection; Igor Zarubin, a lawyer; the “INTELLECT-S” group of law firms; the “Knopka” business service; the “Most” commercial security agency; the “Taxes and Financial Law” group of companies; the “Legal Interests” group of companies; the “JUS COGENS” law firm; and the “USCOM” law firm for their financial support for the Ural Legal Run organization.
The “Brozex” group of companies for their financial support for the Ural Legal Run organization and personally Vyacheslav Brozovskiy.
The “Vitek” group of companies for their sweet gifts for children and adults on the event day and personally Aleksander Golenkov, General Director, and Kseniya Kokosova, marketing expert.
The “Decathlon” sports store for their intriguing quest and gifts for all those wishing on the Ural Legal Run day and personally Marina Chernyayeva and Yuliya Sentsova.
UGMK-Zdorovye for the delivery of medical care on the run site and personally Maya Sklyar, Director of the UGMK-Zdorovye children’s polyclinic.
The “Yogalaktika” Pavel and Tatyana Kushnarevs Yoga Studio for their excellent yoga master classes for moms and babies as well as their creative lessons: origami master class and colored chalk drawing and personally Pavel Kushnarev.
ZoomZoomFamily for their photographic report and excellent photographs of the Ural Legal Run and personally Marat Gabrakhmanov and Yevgeniya Litvinova.
The “I Love Running” correct running school, for their active warm-up before the start and project promotion in the social networks and personally Aleksander Kazantsev and Tatyana Belousova.
The Max Dance dancing school for their foot-tapping performance and “bachata” dance master class and personally Maksim Shcherbakov.
The “EuroAsia” trading company for their delicious “Uralets” ice-cream and personally Sergei Matiyashkevich, Director, and Oksana Muzhikova, Advertising Manager.
The “Chusovskaya Potable Water” company for the provision of all the Ural Legal Run with water.
TyGRA DESIGN Ltd. for the design and creation of eye-catching banner and leaflet dummies for the Ural Legal Run and personally Mikhail Pomortsev.
The “Alt” company for the provision of all the participants with chips and their professional refereeing for the Ural Legal Run and personally Erik Khasanov and Pavel Shabashov.
Info Partners:
The General Media Partner “Novoye Radio” for the promotion of the Ural Legal Run and personally Yuliya Danilicheva.
The “Moscow Echo” Radio and personally Maksim Putintsev.
Anton Demidov, the host, for his assistance during the holding of the event.
As well as:
Garant-Servis-Yekaterinburg, the “Rabota66” portal, the “Status” legal newspaper, the “Moments” portal, and the “Utro na Mayake” radio
Anastasiya Andreyevskikh, Andrei Belyanskiy, Arkadiy Bryzgalin, Mikhail Vozchikov, Yelena Glushkova, Igor Zarubin, Andrei Kayurin, Aleksander Kipnis, Valeriya Kozlova, Sergei Kozlov, Svetlana Korabel, Damir Sadritdinov, Aleksander Skulkin, Yuliya Stolba, Anna Chernyshova, Yevgeniy Shestakov.
The students of the Ural State Law University and the Ural Federal University and personally Anastasiya Yefimova, Viktoriya Kolpakova, Alina Petrenko, as well as Tatyana Kiselyova, the “YURFO” law firm, and Marina Loshak, BTB Strahovanie.
We are really proud that together with you we have done everything for the Legal Run 2017 to happen and bring so much good!
You can donate using your mobile phone. Send an SMS with the amount and the keyword to the short number 6162. For example 100 RUN or 1000 RUN.
ATTENTION ! When making a donation, you must use the keyword RUN. Please enter the keyword in the correct format to help us identify your donation as quickly as possible.