Samara Legal Run 2015 on the Embankment

Samara, Embankment
31 May 2015, 8:30

Distance: 2,5 km, 10 km

On 31 May 2015 at 08.30 on the Embankment of our city  near the Swimming pool of Central sports club of the Air Force, the main sports event of the legal community– Samara Legal Run was held. The Samara run was held on the Embankment, loved by runners and walk fanciers, the second line from the Swimming pool of Central sports club of the Air Force to Pervomaisky Spusk!

Official Run Results

10 km Distance


  • First Place: Pavel Fedorov (00:38:33)
  • Second Place: Damir Iskhakov (00:40:50)
  • Third Place: Vyacheslav Usov (00:42:08)


  • First Place: Anna Glebova (00:54:02)
  • Second Place: Maria Poryaeva (00:56:45)
  • Third Place: Sophia Kolomiets (00:57:45)

2.5 km Distance


  • First Place: Evgeny Gordienko (00:09:20)
  • Second Place: Aleksander Bochkarev (00:09:22)
  • Third Place: Antony Kudryashov (00:09:28)


  • First Place: Elena Petrenko (00:10:58)
  • Second Place: Elizaveta Maksyashkina (00:12:00)
  • Third Place: Afina Lesnichenko (00:12:06)

Rules of the Run

Rules of the Run

Size: 186.1 Kb


Size: 139.1 Kb

We are grateful for the help

The steering committee of the Samara Charity Legal Run 2015 represented by Dmitry Samigullin, Denis Gerasimov, Anton Utekhin and Inna Denizeri expresses its  deepest and sincere gratitude to all the parties involved in the project:

For support:

The Run title sponsor BANK OF MOSCOW JSC in Samara represented by Deputy Director Dmitry Spirin and Head of Department of Retail Service Development Julia Sheveleva for financial support and promotion of the Run

Administration of Samara City District represented by its Head Oleg Borisovich Fursov and  Samara Naberezhnaya Municipal Enterprise represented by Director Vadim Gennadievich Kozyrev for the opportunity to organize the Run on the embankment of our city

Bar Association of Samara Region and personally to its President Andrey Vladimirovich Suchkov, Vice-President Aleksey Valerievich Kokin and press-secretary Pavel Volkov for support and promotion of the Run, its coverage and assistance in arrangement activities

Samara Regional Branch of Association of Russian Lawyers  and personally to its President Alexander Alekseevich Efanov, Chief of Staff Natalia Khrenkova and Chief of Staff Advisor Olga Eremenko for support, promotion of the Run its coverage and assistance in arrangement the work of volunteers and financial support

Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region represented by Deputies Head of Departent Pavel Sokol and Roman Tsyganov for support of the Run and personal commitment

To the legal partners:

VOLGA LEGAL LAW OFFICE and personally to the Managing Partner Andrey Sychev and Elena Filyukova for support, promotion, financial support of the Run and assistance in arrangement the ambulance

Yablokov, Lapitsky and Partners Law Office and personally Managing Partner Vyacheslav Yablokov for support, promotion and financial support of the Run

To the partners:

Samarskiy Delovoy Mir Group and personally to its President Ekaterina Irtikeeva for support, promotion, financial support of the Run, personal commitment and the largest corporate team. Special thanks to President Adviser Ekaterina Evplovaya for assistance in the Run preparation and arrangement

Uyutny Dom Company represented by Sergey Stavenko for support, promotion, financial support of the Run and personal commitment

Business Garant Group represented by Director for Development Pavel Yasko for support, promotion, financial support of the Run and personal commitment

Official Partner of the Children Run of the shopping center AURORA MALL represented by Irina Mikhailovskaya, Head of the Marketing Department Elena Ermishkina and Marketing Department Manager Natalia Kosheleva for the awards provided to the children and winners and assistance in organization of the Children Run

BYASHA toy store for the awards provided to the children

ATV-Samara Company represented by Director Alexander Saksonov for provision of the tent and assistance in setting up the place for registration

Association of security and protection firms Security Agency  represented by Chairman of the Board of Directors Anatoly Paimulin for assistance and maintaining order during the Run

School of proper running I love running – Samara  represented by its founder and Head Vasilisa Solovieva for the assistance in arrangement of the Run, coaches Victor Komarov and Dmitry Nikerov for the assistance in arrangement of the Run and judging

DOLLS&DOLLARS luxury store represented by Masha Goryacheva and Elena Kurdyukova for provision of awards to the winners and best costumes of the Run. Special thanks to Svetlana Nogaeva for assistance in the Run preparation and arrangement

Water from Tsarevshina Company represented by Head Sergey Kudinov for provision of water to the Run participants

ALEX FITNESS CLUB and personally to Irina Irbakhtina, Irina Kolesova, Marina Krestovnikova and Alena Voinova, SHAKE BUMS dancing group for the awards provided to the winners, assistance in organization and arrangement of the Run

To the information partners:

ROTARY Club Samara, VOLGA NEWS Information Portal, BUSINESS FM Radio Station Samarskiye Izvestiya

To the team:

BIG EVENT Company and personally to the radio and TV presenter Dmitry Fox, project coordinator Yana Batrakova for invaluable assistance in organization and arrangement of the Run, Hasta la vista vocal duet, camera control engineers Timur Kayumov and Alexander Tyamukov, photographers Yury Schezhin and Alexandra  Tyamukova

PARAD Event-Agency and personally to Vladimir Sherbinin for support and assistance in organization of the Run start

To the volunteers:

Nadezhda and Arina Malova, Tatiana Kochetkova, Association of Russian Lawyers employees

We are so proud that we managed to do everything for the Samara Legal Run 2015 to succeed and brought so much good into our lives!


The run is arranged by the professional team consisting of lawyers marathon runners, professionals from the School of right run Iloverunning – Samara, marketing experts, volunteers and simply not indifferent representatives of Samara and Russian companies who are fond of sports and «smart charity». The run will be held in accordance with the sports minutes in compliance with all the rules and standards of conduct for the sport events: emergency ambulances, beverage points, references, professional judicial team etc. 

Main Sponsor

Банк Москвы
Адвокатское бюро RBL

By support of

Федеральная палата адвокатов РФ

Legal partners

Адвокатское бюро  "Яблоков, Лапицкий и партнеры"
Палата адвокатов Самарской области
ГК "Бизнес-гарант"
Юридическая фирма "Волга Лигал"
Ассоциация юристов России


ГК Самарский деловой мир"
Мастерская мероприятий "Большое событие"
Деловой клуб "РОТАРИ-Самара"
АСБО "Агентство Безопасности"
Алекс Фитнес
Школа бега I Love Running
Уютный дом
Чистая вода из царевщины
Магазин детских игрушек "БЯША"

Media partners

Информационный портал "Волга-Ньюс"

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