Voronezh Legal Run 2024

Smart park Dolphin (Voronezh, Ostuzheva St., 2B) 12 June 2024, 10:00

Distance: 1 km, 3 km

On June 12, VORONEZH LEGAL RUN 2024 took place on the Day of Russia in Voronezh at the "Dolphin" smart park.

The event was attended by more than 200 representatives of the legal community, including representatives of law firms and internal services of companies, the Voronezh Region Bar Association, the Voronezh Region Notary Chamber, students and teachers of leading universities of the Black Earth region.

This year not only representatives of Voronezh and Voronezh region, but also from neighboring cities - Kursk, Belgorod - took part in the race.

Official results:

1 km distance (Women)

1. Adelina Lepsheyeva - 4:09,6

2. Irina Minakova - 4:22.0

3. Alymova Yana - 4:27.9

1 km distance (Men)

1. Maxim Dvoryatskikh 3:18.0

2. Daniil Prosvirin 3:25.2

3. Kostin Alexander 3:34.4

3 km distance (women)

1. Perepelitsyna Dina 12:02:2

2. Lomets Irina 12:19:8

3. Maslova Maria 12:54,3

3 km distance (Men)

1. Kirill Efremov 9:53,8

2. Baklanov Egor 9:58,6

3. Pavelko Alexander 10:05.3

Full results will be published by the Organizing Committee on June 14 at 15.00.

Photos are available at the link (photographer: Elizaveta Konyukhova).

The Organizing Committee, represented by the Central District Law Firm, would like to thank

For the support of the event

legal partners - Borodin & Partners law firm, the Voronezh Region Bar Association, Garant-Service (Voronezh)

Dolphin smart park, Lightfit fitness park, Delk Company and personally Eduard Tolokonnikov.

For water for the participants of the race

“Healthy Child” group of companies

For high-quality T-shirts, banners and printed products

M2Studio printing studio

For the prizes provided

Perfetto coffee house and catamaran rental “U Mayaka”

For information support


For help at the race

Volunteers Meshalkina Irina, Gisich Anastasia, Uvarova Anastasia, Milakina Alena, Astapova Ekaterina, Kozhemyako Ivan, Yakovlev Alexei, Selivyorstova Oksana, Kovbel Irina, Gelband Emiliya.

And, of course, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for the support and help in organizing the race to the inspirer and founder of the Legal Run project Andrey Korelskiy

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the charity initiative, making their contribution to support the beneficiaries of the charity fund "Podari Zhizn".

Your feedback about Voronezh Legal Run 2024 and your intentions to support the run next year give us the strength to organize an even bigger event in 2025

See you at the next Voronezh Legal Run 2025!  

Run. Smile. Help Беги. Улыбайся. Помогай

For questions about partnership and support:

Vladislav Katinsky



Voronezh Legal Run 2024


10:00 - 10:30

Opening of the start and finish camp, start of the number distribution to the participants of the 1 and 3 km race.

10:30 – 10:45

Welcome speech

10.45- 11:00


11.00 - 11.10

Formation of participants in the start area


Opening of the first 1 km mass start


Opening of the second 1 km mass start


Opening of the 3 km mass start


Award ceremony for 1km and 3km winners and medalists 


Official closing

10:00 - 13:30

Sports and music activities


Центральный округ

Legal partners

Адвокатская контора
Адвокатская палата Воронежской области

Official partners

Smart парк Дельфин
Фитнес-парк Лайтфит
Компания ДЕЛК
Здоровый ребенок
Агентство Арт-Праздник
У маяка

Media partners


With us

>150 cities 30 countries 22 000 runners in 2014-2023



Vladislav Katinsky



By Credit Cards



You can donate using your mobile phone. Send an SMS with the amount and the keyword to the short number 6162. For example 100 RUN or 1000 RUN.

ATTENTION ! When making a donation, you must use the keyword RUN. Please enter the keyword in the correct format to help us identify your donation as quickly as possible.
