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Charity Volgograd LEGAL RUN 2024

Angarsky Ecopark (99 Angarskaya St., Volgograd) 31 мая 2024, 14:00

Дистанция: 1,5 км

Today, on May 31st, the charity Legal Run took place in Volgograd on Advocacy Day. Since 2014, the Legal Run has been uniting representatives of the professional community of lawyers around the world to support the beneficiaries of «Podari Zhizn» Charitable Foundation and several regional foundations.

In the anniversary year, Volgograd was announced as an independent organizer of the race for the first time. The Volgograd branch of the Russian Bar Association and Meyer & Partners took on the role of organizers.

Legal Run 2024 has already been held in Dubai, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Cyprus, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don and Serbia. In the coming days it will be held in Milan, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

The Volgograd race was won by Alexander Kuznetsov (Alexander Kuznetsov & Partners, Volgograd). Second place went to Anna Gruzdeva, a notary public in Volgograd. Dmitry Zipunnikov (Consul and Rubicon Law Firm, Volzhsky) crossed the finish line in third place.

The winners were congratulated by Andrei Belonozhkin, member of the Executive Committee of the UBA Branch, lawyer of the Volgograd Bar Association "Meyer and Partners".

Volgograd LEGAL RUN 2024


Волгоградская коллегия адвокатов «Мейер и партнеры»

Банковской картой

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