falseDruzhba Park (south entrance) 9 июня 2024, 09:00
Дистанция: 1,3 км, 2,6 км
On June 09, 2024, Amur Legal Run will be held, this year the venue for it is the picturesque Druzhba Park - https://okcblag.ru/park
Lawyers, law firms, as well as all those involved and not indifferent, we invite you to take part in Amur Legal Run.
Legal Run is a unique project that has been uniting representatives of the professional community of lawyers all over the world since 2014 to support the beneficiaries of the “Podari Zhizn” Charitable Foundation.
During its history, Legal Run project has gained unprecedented geographical coverage from Blagoveshchensk to Kaliningrad. Over 22,000 lawyers from more than 150 cities and 30 countries took part in the run from 2014 to 2023.
Contributions are collected during online registration for the race. Contributions are made in favor of Podari Zhizn Charitable Foundation to provide targeted assistance to its beneficiaries. This is a great opportunity to do a useful, good deed!!!
Run. Smile. Help
See you at the race!
For partnership and support questions:
Organizers of the event - Dmitry Dontsov & Partners Law Firm, Arpenik Law Firm
Dmitry Dontsov
+7 962 285 55 60
Arpenik Galoyan
+7 (962) 283-81-30
E-mail: amurlegalrun@gmail.com
The race is arranged by the professional team consisting of lawyers, marathon runners, marketing experts, volunteers and simply passionate representatives of several Russian law firms who are fond of sports and «smart charity». The race will be held in accordance with the sports minutes in compliance with all the rules and standards of conduct for the sport events: emergency ambulances, beverage points, references, professional judicial team etc.
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